Take home pay calculator

Take home pay calculator helps you calculate your monthly take home pay more easily.

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Total gross salary
Yearly gross income :
Non-Taxable Income :
Taxable Income :
Income Tax (PPh 21) :
Monthly income tax :
BPJS - Healthcare :
BPJS - Retirement Insurance Program :
BPJS - Pension Money :
Take home pay
Monthly net salary = gross salary - monthly deductions

What are the components of a take home pay calculator?

The main components in calculating take home pay

The main income received by employees based on the employment contract or salary agreement.

The income threshold that is not subject to tax. If a person’s annual income is below the PTKP limit, they are not required to pay Income Tax (PPh 21). The government sets PTKP based on taxpayer status, such as single, married, or having dependents.

Income that has been reduced by PTKP and is used as the basis for calculating PPh 21. It is calculated as Annualized Salary – PTKP.

The tax imposed on employees’ income derived from work, services, or other activities. This tax is withheld by the company as the tax collector and remitted to the government.

Monthly Income Tax

PPh 21, which is calculated on a monthly basis to ensure structured salary deductions.

A national health insurance program that all workers in Indonesia are required to participate in. The contributions are jointly paid by employees and employers.

A program that provides pension benefits to workers after reaching retirement age.

A program aimed at providing financial benefits after a worker retires or stops working. The funds can be withdrawn under specific conditions.

THP = gross salary – monthly deductions.

1% × (Basic Salary + Fixed Allowance) (with a maximum total of IDR 120,000).

JHT = 2% × (Basic Salary + Fixed Allowance)
JP = 1% × (Basic Salary + Fixed Allowance) (with a maximum Basic Salary + Fixed Allowance of IDR 10,042,300).

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a take home pay calculator?

A take home pay calculator is a tool used to calculate the amount of salary an employee receives after deductions, such as taxes, BPJS, and other contributions.

Some deductions to consider include PPh 21 (income tax), BPJS Health, BPJS Employment, and other deductions like pension contributions or loans.

The PPh 21 tax deduction is calculated based on the applicable tax rate according to the employee’s income and marital status. This calculation can differ for each individual.

BPJS Health is a mandatory health insurance program for all workers, while BPJS Employment is a social security program that includes JHT, JKK, and JP.

The BPJS Health deduction is typically around 1% of the gross salary, while BPJS Employment deductions vary depending on the specific program.

If there is a bonus, it is added to the gross salary before calculating deductions. Taxes and BPJS deductions are then based on the total gross amount.

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