Mekari Talenta features and services

Experience a new era of seamless HR management

  • Simplify all daily HR operations and administration with an automated system.
  • Effortlessly manage payroll, attendance, performance, and employee benefits with accuracy and security.
  • Create a structured culture and develop employee potential with a comprehensive analysis dashboard.

Discover and experience Mekari Talenta’s top features

Fitur pengelolaan payroll karyawan di aplikasi HR online Mekari Talenta
Ikon rupiah
Manage payroll with ease.
Fitur pengelolaan kehadiran karyawan di aplikasi HR online Mekari Talenta
Ikon jam dinding
Manage employee attendance, overtime, and shifts.
Fitur HRIS di aplikasi HR online Mekari Talenta
Ikon karyawan
More efficient HR database and administration.
Fitur pengelolaan biaya operasional di aplikasi HR online Mekari Talenta
Ikon biaya
Expense Management
Manage reimbursement and loans.
Fitur ESS (employee self-service) di aplikasi HR online Mekari Talenta
Ikon ESS
Employee Self Service
Independent access for employee needs.
Fitur pengelolaan benefit karyawan di aplikasi HR online Mekari Talenta
Ikon pengelolaan benefit karyawan
Employee benefits
Employee benefit and insurance.
Fitur HR helpdesk di aplikasi HR online Mekari Talenta
Ikon percakapan
HR Helpdesk
Support for employee queries.
Fitur pengelolaan form online di aplikasi HR Mekari Talenta
Ikon form
Online and HRIS integrated forms.
Fitur pengelolaan kinerja karyawan di aplikasi HR online Mekari Talenta
Ikon analisis performa karyawan
Performance management
Employee performance reviews.
Dashboard insight payroll
Ikon diagram lingkaran
HR Analytics
Your HR insights visualized.

Unlock efficiency with HR integration

Ikon efisiensi
Automated and efficient
Mekari Talenta seamlessly integrates with various applications to automate your business processes.
Ikon open API
Flexible open API
Build custom integrations with Mekari Talenta to streamline your workflow.
Ikon error
Minimize human errors
Minimize human error with seamless data synchronization between systems.

One-stop HR solution for your business

Take your HR operations to the next level with the help of integrated solutions by Mekari Talenta

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