Offering Letter
Contains a job offer to a candidate, including job details, salary, and work conditionspenawaran pekerjaan kepada calon karyawan, termasuk rincian posisi, gaji, dan syarat kerja
How to use the template

Choose a template
Select the letter or document template you would like to use

Your personal information
Please provide your personal information to download the letter template

Use the template
The template will be downloaded and ready for use
What should I include in a job offer letter?
Include job details, salary, benefits, and start date.
When should the job offer letter be sent?
Ideally before the employee starts working.
Is a job offer letter legally binding?
It depends on the clauses included in the letter.
Do I need the candidate's signature on the job offer letter?
Yes, to confirm their acceptance of terms and conditions.
Can I change the details in a job offer letter after sending it?
Yes, but it’s best to get the candidate’s written consent.