Asset Handover Letter Template (On-Boarding)

Loading assets that the company provides to employees when they first join
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How to use the template


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Use the template

The template will be downloaded and ready for use


Why is the Asset Transfer Letter important?

This letter is important because it is written proof that the employee has received assets from the company and is responsible for these assets.

Generally, assets and asset transfer letters will be given to employees on their first day of joining the company or their first day of work. This letter is proof that the employee has work tools according to his needs.

The asset transfer letter contains the name, position, division/team, assets provided, and a description of each asset provided.

An employee’s responsibility towards their assets is to use these assets as well as possible, maintain their condition, and report any problems such as damage or loss.

If assets are damaged or lost, employees must report it to HR or the IT team. Regarding employee responsibility for these assets, it will be adjusted to company policy.

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