Task Management

Seamless & Integrated Task Management

  • Secure and targeted task management
  • Project and reports efficiency improvement
  • Save time and resource in KPI monitoring
Task Management

Manage Employee Task and Project Management within Single Software

Integrate all ongoing employee activities and projects in one comprehensive platform supported with a team communication feature


Employee Assignment

Assign tasks to the employees in an easier and more organized way via the HRIS-integrated assignment platform

Oversee all tasks in the pipeline, both the ongoing and the incoming ones, from a single dashboard

Ensure that the employees stay productive by implementing time tracker for each ongoing activity

Get an automatic and thorough report of all the activities that the employees do on a daily basis


Project Management

Manage projects with diverse task details systematically via a dashboard that is supported with a communication feature

Integrate multiple tasks under the same project for easier monitoring and communication line

Get the latest update of an ongoing project from the progress bar feature that is available in Mekari Talenta

Initiate discussions about a project more easily and attach files more conveniently, all in a single platform


Email & Push Notification

Get email and push notifications for each update regarding an ongoing project


KPI Management Integration

Integrate employee assignments with the KPI module to ensure that all activities contribute to the company goal

Why task management is easier when done using Mekari Talenta

Mekari Talenta has various advantages that enable task management automation along with its features that are integrated with each other.

Better task management

Task assignment can be personalized and adjusted to every employee's need without having to worry about mix-ups.

Centralized communication and delivery

The communication process and task delivery to the employees can be returned in the same application

Integration to other modules

Integration to other modules such as KPI management, payroll, and time tracker can be done automatically

Any further questions?

Read complete questions and answers about Talenta usage and solutions

What is task management platform?

Task management platform is a tool to manage employee activities and tasks so that they can be more productive.

You can use the task management module by subscribing to the whole Talenta modules. Please schedule a meeting with out team to consult about Talenta utilization.

Please schedule a meeting with our team to consult about the utilization and subscription rate of the task management platform.

Yes, you can automatically use this module. Please contact our team to help you activate the module.

You can try Talenta demo for free or please schedule a meeting in https://www.talenta.co/jadwal-demo-talenta/ for further consultation.


One-stop HR solution for your business

Take your HR operations to the next level with the help of integrated solutions by Mekari Talenta

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