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The Habits Which Millionaires Have in Common

24 Mar, 2022
Last updated
17 July 2024

According to the research by Thomas C. Corley, all millionaires who underwent their transformation from zero to seven-figure status are possess the same habits.

What are the habits of a millionaire? Here’s a summary from Talenta by Mekari.

Thomas coined a term “rich habits” after spent five years researching the daily habits of 177 self-made millionaires.

In his upcoming book “Change Your Habits, Change Your Life” He wrote that there is a cause and effect associated with habits.

Habits are the cause of wealth, poverty, happiness, madness, until health. The good news is, all habits can be changed.

Here are a few “rich habits” of self-made millionaires that you can start from now:

1. Millionaires Habits: They Get Up Early

According to Corley’s study, nearly 50% of the self-made millionaires woke up very early, at least three hours before their work day began.

It’s a strategy to deal with inevitable daily disruptions, such as traffic jam, or unpredictable meeting.

These disruptions have a psychological effect on our daily life.

Getting up early to tackle the top priority things you want to accomplish in your day allows you to regain control of your life.

It gives you a sense of confidence in order to direct your life.

2. They Exercise Regularly

Corley reports that seventy-six percent of the rich aerobically exercise 30 minutes or more every day.

Anything but not limited to running, jogging, walking, or biking.

They are all not only good for the body, but it’s good for the brain as it grows the brain cells.

The more it grows, the more energy and smarter you become.

3. They Read Habitually

As Corley writes, eighty-eight percent of the rich devote at least thirty minutes of the day to educate them self or doing self-improvement.

They read to gain or maintain their knowledge.

Because the rich would never think they are rich or smart.

Read too: 8 Daily Habits: What Efficient People Have in Common

4. They Passionately Pursue Their Goals

By pursuing our own goals, it creates the greatest happiness and results.

While too many people decide to pursue someone else dream (like their parent’s dream), millionaire define their own goals and pursue them passionately.

Passion makes your work fun, give more energy and focus that needed to overcome mistakes, rejection, and failure.

5. Millionaires Habits: Hang Out with Other Successful People

Successful people only as successful as those they frequently associate with.

The rich are always being inspired for individuals who are goal-oriented, optimistic, enthusiastic, and who have an overall positive mental outlook as they are.

6. They Have Several Sources of Income

Millionaires will never rely on one source of income only.

They develop multiple channels.

According to his study, sixty-five percent had at least three sources of income that they created before making their million dollars.

Examples of these additional income generally consist of real estate, stock, and part ownership in a side business.

7. They Find Mentor

Successful mentors do more than influence someone else life in some positive way.

They invest their time in the rich’s success by teaching them what to do and what not to do in order to accelerate their goal completion.

They share many valuable life lessons they learned either from their own mentors or from their own shoes.

8. They Possess Good Attitude

Millionaires have mastered certain attitude they have to master in order to be successful.

These include sending thank you notes, acknowledging important life events such as birthday, eating politely and using table manners, and dressing properly for various events.

Read too: Should We Taking Gap Year? Why Take a Gap Year?

9. They Stay Positive

Success is only possible when you have a positive mindset.

In Coley’s research, being positive is a key attributes of all these millionaires.

The problem for most people is that they’re not aware of their thoughts either positive or negative. Awareness is the key.

10. Millionaires Habits: They Don’t Follow The Crowd

People tend to blend in with majority and tend to do anything to avoid standing out in a crowd.

But, failure to separate yourself from the crowd is why most people never achieve success. Successful people create their own path instead.

11. They Spare 15 to 30 Minutes a Day to Just Thinking

Corley observes that thinking is also key to their success.

The rich tend to think at least 15 minutes every day to brainstorming with themselves about everything.

12. They Seek Feedback

Feedback is essential as a lesson what is working and isn’t. Feedback will help su understand whether we are on the right track.

Either positive or negative feedback, both of them is a crucial element for learning and growth.

Furthermore, feedback provides information that everyone will need in order to succeed in any opportunity.

13. They Help Others to Succeed

Helping other people move forward in achieving their goals will help us succeed as well, because no one realizes success without other successful people. 

Those are some of the millionaires habits that you can adopt.

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