Payroll Report

Create Accurate Payroll Reports Effortlessly

  • Payroll report made faster and easier
  • Simpler budget planning via the overview report
  • Compliant, ready-to-use report template
Payroll Report

Instant Payroll Report Generator

Creating tax and employee payroll reports has never been easier; generate a compliant one automatically!


Salary Report

With Talenta, directly see the overview report of your company’s expenses for employee’s salary and other spendings


1721-A1 Tax Report

Easy tax reporting is no longer a myth; our annual SPT template is here to save you from manual calculation every month. Generate a compliant tax report easily!


BPJS Report

Routine reports can always be made simpler. Automate your monthly report for BPJS Kesehatan and BPJS Ketenagakerjaan to avoid manual recalculation.


Reimbursement Report

Monitor the reimbursement report in your company regularly to ensure balanced expenditure. Your company will thank you.


Overtime Allowance Report

Access real-time data of employee’s overtime hours easily and generate the Overtime Allowance Report automatically


Employee Loan Report

Proper reports can ensure ordered loan disbursement for the employees in need and on-time payment to the company. Create one here.


Customized Access

We understand the importance of payroll report confidentiality for a company. Customize the access to your expenditure reports here.

Why businesses should use Talenta Payroll Report

With Talenta, you can easily obtain payroll reports that are compliant to the applicable regulation via the Payroll Report feature.

Manage all expenses from one dashboard

Various expenses don't always mean various monitoring tools. Integrate them all in one dashboard.

Accurate report template

A comprehensive body of accurate report templates help stakeholders to understand the company's financial situation better.

Painless tax reporting

Support your company to pay its taxes responsibly by creating accurate and detailed reports regularly with ease.


One-stop HR solution for your business

Take your HR operations to the next level with the help of integrated solutions by Mekari Talenta

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