31 Agu 2022

Monthly update: August 2022


PKWT compensation | Payroll

In accordance with government policies, PKWT workers who have worked for twelve months are eligible for a compensation of one month’s wage. PKWT workers who have worked less than twelve months are given a proportionally calculated amount of wages.


NPWP using NIK (PMK No. 112/PMK.03/2022) | Payroll

In accordance with new government policies, NPWP using NIK will be valid automatically after matching starting from January 1, 2024.


Revamp attendance index and detail page | Attendance

We now have a new look on the attendance index & detail page. As of this release, most of the functionality stays the same and there are improvements from the user experience side with real-time monitoring dashboard from the Talenta Insight page to the attendance index page.


Revamp time off modules on mobile | Attendance

The design & functionality of the time-off feature in Talenta mobile is now simplified to make sure that the information is clear for employees to submit and review their time-off request & approval process.


Headcount dashboard | HR Analytics

We have further refined our headcount dashboard to suit your needs better. You can now view a chart of employee turnover breakdown based on service length, and also export the chart as CSV.


Different KR measurement types & polarity down | Performance Management

We have made improvements to measuring KRs in order to gauge employee performance in accordance with the company’s needs.


Enable/disable Loan Module for Flex Installment | Integration

Companies who are using the Flex Installment integration with Mekari Flex can have better visibility of the Flex Installment integration within the backyard, and also have the option to turn the Loan Module on or off.


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