Monthly Update : February 2024
Employee & Company Management | SBU (Employee Transfer, Group Structure, Approval Setting)
For company agility and flexibility to make changes and impact within 1 big tribe, with the new updates, this will have responsibility to do its own resource optimization to transfer employee, group structure, and to approve request.
Time management | Roster Leave Page improvement
To prevent 502 bad gateway when opening roster leave page, users with more than 1,000 employee are now being limited to see roster leave page only for the selected employee they want to check.
Time management | Redefine Calendar Phase 1
Improvement on Talenta Calendar mobile to make employee to see the visuals details of their schedule and activity list. The unavailable visual make confusion and conflicting deadlines. By this improvement, employee could see their list of activity and could improve the productivity.
Productivity, Engagement, and Intelligence | Turnover Dashboard
Analytical dashboard to analyze the pattern, reason, and tracking regarding to turnover, this to help management to improve its management towards employee, to prevent any further higher turnover.
Employee & Company Management | Auto Generate format employee id – Multiple Employment Status
HR admins now have the ability to generate auto-formatting when adding new employees, allowing for customized formats for employment status and ID requirements. This enhancement aims to improve efficiency and accuracy in managing employee information.
Time management | Multiple Max Overtime Setting
Currently, settings are applied for all. With this new improvement, users will be able to enforce multiple overtime policies, applying maximum rule settings to different employees within one company with multiple branches.
Employee & Company Management | Resignation Revamp (Approval Line Replacement & Recalculate Time Off Compensation)
New ability for users to recalculate time off when the time off compensation undergo changes, this will help the offboarding process.